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Brandon Archibald

Brandon Archibald

Policy Planner



Brandon is a Policy Planner with in-depth knowledge of municipal governments, social planning practices, and accessibility. Since 2014, Brandon has worked in full-time and seasonal positions with the Municipality of Colchester County, the Province of New Brunswick, the Province of Nova Scotia, and most recently the City of Charlottetown. This has provided a deep understanding of how Atlantic communities operate and what makes them unique from other areas of Canada.

Brandon joined UPLAND in 2024 after two years with the City of Charlottetown. There, he worked as a Planner I (Development), handling a variety of applications from rezonings to variances. During his time there, the City of Charlottetown began collaborating with UPLAND and O2 Planning + Design to create their new Official Plan. With this collaboration, and other in-house policy work on topics such as short-term rentals, Brandon became well-versed in how policy is developed within municipalities.

Brandon began his post-secondary journey at the University of New Brunswick, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts (BA), majoring in Sociology in 2020. There, he gained a passion for understanding the micro and macro social aspects of communities, specifically in marginalized neighbourhoods. After completing his undergraduate degree, Brandon pursued a Master of Urban and Regional Planning (M.PL) at Queen’s University, specializing in Health & Social Planning. Finishing in 2022, his research focused on active mobility planning in rural Ontario communities.