UPLAND wins API Award for Pictou Waterfront Plan UPLAND is thrilled to announce that we were recently awarded an API Award in Physical Plans and Design for the Pictou Waterfront Plan. We worked alongside the Town of Pictou and Develop Nova Scotia to define the...
UPLAND Launches Plan Amherst UPLAND is excited to launch a new project in the Town of Amherst, Nova Scotia, reviewing and updating their Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaws. UPLAND will provide the Town with land use planning documents that meet the needs...
UPLAND Awarded Top Co-op Employer of the Year UPLAND is thrilled to be awarded Top Co-op Employer of the Year by the Dalhousie University Faculty of Architecture and Planning. We’d like to say thank you to all the amazing Dalhousie Co-op students who have worked with...
Halifax Common Revitalization Plan Adopted UPLAND is pleased to announce that as of February 2022, Halifax Regional Council has formally adopted the Halifax Common Plan. As part of a multi-disciplinary team, UPLAND was engaged by HRM to develop a long-term vision for...
UPLAND Receives API Award for Project Lunenburg UPLAND is thrilled to announce that we were awarded a 2021 API Excellence in Planning Award for Project Lunenburg – Comprehensive Community Plan. Thank you to the Atlantic Planners Institute for recognizing this...
Welcome, Kevin! UPLAND is excited to announce that Kevin Cooper will be joining the team as our newest full-time Planner! Kevin is a professional planner with more than a decade of experience in communications and engagement. He began working at UPLAND during his...
UPLAND starts a new project in Hubbards, Nova Scotia. UPLAND is starting a new project in the community of Hubbards, Nova Scotia, developing a Community Plan for the Hubbards Streetscape Project that will support the group’s efforts to create safe streetscapes,...
UPLAND launches PEI Active Transportation Network Plan UPLAND is pleased to announce the launch of a new project to develop an Active Transportation Network Plan for the province of Prince Edward Island. PEI recently established an Active Transportation Fund and...
Welcoming New Team Members UPLAND is excited to announce the hiring of Ryan MacLean as Engagement Coordinator, as well as Arvind Gopalakrishnan, an Urban Designer and Planner who started with our team in the fall of last year. For the last three years, Ryan has built...
Sparwood 2030 Recreation Plan Adopted In January 2021, Sparwood Council adopted the Parks and Recreation Plan. UPLAND worked with the REConsulting Group to develop the document which establishes a 10-year vision for recreation and leisure in the District of Sparwood,...
Project Lunenburg Comprehensive Community Plan Officially Adopted by Town Council On November 17 2020, Lunenburg Town Council formally adopted the Project Lunenburg Comprehensive Plan as the Town’s strategic plan. The motion passed unanimously, also passing a...
Sparwood Parks and Recreation Plan Starts Up We’re in Sparwood, British Columbia this week to kick off public engagement for a Parks and Recreation Plan! This document will serve as a multi-year vision, providing a framework to manage the direction of recreation,...
Engagement Kicks Off for Peninsula South Complete Streets Project This week kicks off our first round of public engagement for the Peninsula South Complete Streets Project, with events at the Halifax Central Library and Dalhousie Student Union Building. Working with...
UPLAND Receives API Award for Kentville Moves Plan Thank you to the Atlantic Planners Institute for the 2019 Comprehensive Policies and Plans Award! Our work on the Kentville Moves Active Transportation Plan would not have been possible without our committed client at...
Cape d’Or Development Plan Receives Funding Last year, UPLAND completed a Development Plan for Cape d’Or at the Bay of Fundy. Last week, the park received $292,000 in funding to implement the plan. The Federal Minister of Tourism, Mélanie Joly was on site to...
Plan Twillingate Plan Review UPLAND is launching a new project. This plan review takes place in Twillingate, Newfoundland—the iceberg capital of the world! The process will review local plans and policies to guide the community over the next 10+ years. The new...
Nova Scotia Planning Conference Presentation This week we had the chance to present at the Nova Scotia Planning Conference about our work with SHS Consulting on Akoma’s Housing Needs Assessment, which includes a detailed demographic analysis of the community and an...