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Akoma Housing Needs Assessment

May 2018

Akoma Holdings is a unique organization in Nova Scotia, with a long history of providing housing solutions for communities in the Preston area. Originally the Nova Scotia Home for Coloured Children (NSHCC), established in 1921, Akoma’s mandate has shifted over the years, and now offers services for youth with special needs.

Akoma is exploring redevelopment options for their land which provide accessible, good quality, and affordable housing options that support the African Nova Scotian community and other residents within their mandated service area. The Housing Needs Assessment takes stock of housing supply and analyzes the housing need in all communities served by Akoma. The study provides detailed statistical analysis and community consultation which help to identify housing gaps in the area.

For this project, UPLAND collaborated with SHS Consulting, a firm that is widely recognized for their work in affordable housing, and LaMeia Reddick, an engagement consultant from the community.

Clients: Akoma Holdings Incorporated
Location: Cherry Brook / Lake Loon, Preston, North Preston, Lake Echo, Porters Lake, and Musquodoboit Harbour
Service areas: Community Consultation, Research, Housing Needs Assessment, Communication, Urban Design
Start date: May 2018
Finish Date: Jul 2019
Collaborating: LaMeia Reddick, SHS Consulting