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Stratford Waterfront Core Area Plan

Stratford Waterfront Core Area Plan

Stratford Waterfront Core Area Plan UPLAND is currently working with the Town of Stratford, PEI to conduct a Planning Review and to produce a Waterfront Park & Gateway Conceptual Design for the Waterfront Core Area.  Stratford is advancing its future downtown, and...
Cape d’Or Development Plan

Cape d’Or Development Plan

Cape d’Or Development Plan Cape d’Or is a coastal headland in a highly scenic location and a popular destination along the Fundy Coast. The Cape d’Or Development Plan lays out an exciting and comprehensive vision for the site, providing guidance and direction on...
Fundy Discovery Site Development Plan

Fundy Discovery Site Development Plan

Fundy Discovery Site Development Plan UPLAND led a consulting team of architecture, engineering, and tourism & economic development specialists for the Bay of Fundy Discovery Site Development Plan. The site represents a unique opportunity, thanks to its central...