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Cape d’Or Development Plan

Nov 2019

Cape d’Or is a coastal headland in a highly scenic location and a popular destination along the Fundy Coast. The Cape d’Or Development Plan lays out an exciting and comprehensive vision for the site, providing guidance and direction on marketing and promotion, interpretation, park access, site improvements, community partnerships, operations and maintenance, and more.

When realized, these strategic initiatives will increase visitation, length of stay, and ultimately revenues, making Cape d’Or a must-see on the globally renowned Bay of Fundy, one of North America’s Seven Wonders of the Natural World. At the same time, it will continue to be a well-loved public space to be enjoyed by locals on a regular basis.

We believe plans such as these should be tailored to the community and its unique history and identity, as well as being realistic in terms of proposed solutions and the cost to implement them. Thus, our objective for this project was to create an innovative, user-friendly, and action-oriented Development Plan that could be easily and quickly implemented. It has resulted in immediate action.

Since the completion of the Development Plan, the Municipality has been actively implementing its recommendations and has attracted funding from all three levels of government to help implement the plan. During the funding announcement, the federal Minister of Tourism, Mélanie Joly, identified the Cape d’Or Development Plan as “the best strategic plan” she had read in the country.

Clients: Municipality of Cumberland, Tourism Nova Scotia
Location: Advocate Harbour, NS
Service areas: Park Planning, Trail Design, Landscape Design, Place Branding, Interpretation, Signage
Start date: Mar, 2018
Finish Date: Dec, 2019
Collaborating: rma tourism
Atlantic Provinces Association of Landscape Architecture: Planning and Analysis Sept 2019