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Sackville Lakes Provincial Park, Trail Planning

Dec 2019

In 2019, UPLAND worked with the Sackville Lakes Park & Trails Association on trail planning which included the improvement and completion of the Canopy Creek Trail, design of a new entry node and trailhead on Beaver Bank Road, as well as conceptual trail design for links in the northern and eastern areas of the Park.

This trail planning recognizes the importance of active transportation connectivity and connects new linkages with existing trail networks. The proposed network aims to develop regional corridors that are safe and interesting to visitors of all ages and abilities. Trailheads are designed to meet practical requirements while reflecting the natural beauty of the site.

Clients: Sackville Lakes Park and Trails Association
Location: Sackville Lakes Provincial Park, NS
Service areas: Parks and Trails, Trail Planning, Trail Design
Start date: Jan 2019
Finish Date: Dec 2020
Collaborating: NA