Charlottetown Growth Strategy
Charlottetown is the capital city and urban centre for Prince Edward Island, Canada’s fastest-growing province in the 2021 Census. The City’s population has grown by 7.5% since 2016, fuelled by a successful immigration strategy, growing enrolment numbers at postsecondary institutes and changing work patterns during the pandemic. The rapid spike of growth created enormous development pressures, as a housing shortage has risen to the forefront of concerns in the City’s governance.
In 2019, the City of Charlottetown began working with CBCL Limited and UPLAND to conduct a Growth Management Strategy and Water and Sewer Master Plan. The objective of this project is to plan for future infrastructure demands and to develop plans for adequate future services. UPLAND worked specifically on the Growth Management Strategy, a component of the overall plan which studied historical records, mapped the city’s development over time, analyzed city policies related to growth and finally created plausible urban growth scenarios based on a GIS based land suitability analysis and a custom-made growth model for the City.
These growth scenarios illustrated how the same amount of population growth can be allocated to various spatial configurations, and explored the implications of such choices. Finally, the recommended growth scenario was handed over to engineers of CBCL for detailed infrastructure planning.
Clients: | Charlottetown, PEI |
Location: | City of Charlottetown |
Service areas: | Municipal Planning, Growth Management |
Start date: | Nov 2019 |
Finish Date: | Feb 2022 |
Collaborating: | CBCL |